FROM THE WEBSITE: "Monstropedia is the ultimate online encyclopedia of monsters in myth, magick and legend."
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The mission of Monstropedia is to create the ultimate online media library about monsters, gathering information and documents from the earliest myths onwards to the present day, developing a coherent set of methods to analyse each creature and attaching current theories about their existence.
mon·ster n.
1. a. A creature, usually legendary or imaginary, such as a centaur or harpy, that combines parts from various animal or human forms. 1. b. A creature having a strange or frightening appearance. 2. An animal, plant, or other organism having structural defects or deformities. 3. A very large animal 4. One who inspires horror or disgust.
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There is so much to see-read-learn here, that it is impossible to begin to describe it all. This is a must-visit website so you can see for yourself the ambitious nature of this project. Definitely going to be a favorite stop on the internet for me.
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