Monday, May 18, 2009

Haters Online: The Chick Tracts

Chick Publications has been servicing the hate industry of right-wing religious extremism for many years. Simply being humble in one's devotion to the teachings of Jesus and striving to emulate the love and compassion preached by his lord isn't quite good enough for the purveyor of hate to be found here. It seems his version of religion (I wouldn't exactly define it as Christianity) requires huge amounts of hate spew be sprinkled here, there, and everywhere with his badly written and badly drawn mini-comics. In the tract depicted above, "Doom Town," we are to believe that all gays are out to kill all straight people by deliberately infecting our blood supply with AIDS. Yep, it really is a pretty disgusting mockery of Jesus' own message but I don't know if that's the Number One Priority here, anyway. Stirring up hate seems to take precedence over all.

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